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The type of dance that helps you to heal is not performative dance or dance with choreography. Instead this is movement with out structure. So, the next step healing through dance is to "shake it out!" This means that you don't hold back and allow self doubt or feelings like "I don't know how to dance" and "I can't dance" stand in the way of shaking out your body. 

One of the ways you can heal through dance, is to dance with intention. Setting an intention is creating a set of instructions on how the Universe can support you. It is imperative to ask for what you want in life. This includes asking the universe to help you manifest the life the way you want.

Heal through dance by inviting yourself to lean into vulnerability. This means you will need to untangle from the thinking mind and invite your awareness down into the body and begin to feel. Once you begin to feel your emotions and the sensations in your body, you can easily access your authenticity and vulnerability in your daily life. 

Continue to heal through dance by including these helpful hints; start a daily movement practice, incorporate conscious breathing practices and allow yourself to move from a place of feeling instead of thinking.

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